location North.
ruled by King Evander Carlyon [The Snow Queen]
sigil A white reindeer followed by a crow against a blue field.
royal family structure The ever-elusive and ever-powerful Snow Queen selects a young boy of her choosing as her heir for each generation. He rules in her absence until his death or his loss of her favor.
banner houses [The Tinderbox] & [The Pied Piper]
enchantments Magic mirrors made of dangerous troll glass, ice sculptures that never melt, frost-resistant crops, etc.
magical species Intelligent crows, snow bees, trolls, abominable snowmen, rumors of ice dragons, etc.
geography Mountain ranges and glaciers frame the western and southern borders of the region. The rest of the territory is largely flat and barren with occasional dense forests and hot springs, and the tundra turns into rocky cliffs when it reaches the eastern coast. There is a lone, tall mountain in the far north region of Norboten that everyone has the sense to avoid, as it is the supposed location of the Snow Queen's ice palace. The longest rivers in the region are the Norflod and the Ange, which are both frozen for much of the year and can be perilous when the ice breaks up in late spring.
climate Although long winters define the region, its brief summers are surprisingly warm and sunny. The rest of the year is bitter and harsh, and heavy snowfall is to be expected at any point between autumn and late spring. The area along the coast is usually a bit warmer than inland, though strong storms occasionally blow in.
economy Whaling, mining, reindeer, and unusual crops and orchards that produce year-round.
notable towns & regions Carlsund may be the largest city in the region, but the capitol is found further inland at Hallumstad. Other medium-sized cities include Borge, Rybacken, and Storalind. The desolate region of Norboten is considered to be the home of the Snow Queen.

location Northwest.
ruled by [Beauty and the Beast]
sigil A red rose clasped by a human hand and a beast's claw on a gray flag.
royal family structure Ruled jointly by the heir and their spouse, which frequently amounts to one shapeshifter and one human.
banner houses [Brother and Sister] & [Seven Ravens]
enchantments Shapeshifting, curses, enchanted objects, enchanted flora, etc.
magical species Shapeshifters (often, but not always, in the royal line), witches, occasional talking objects/animals, beasts, etc.
geography The region is similar to neighboring Nourwittchen (so much so that the borders are not always well-defined between the two) but it is much more mountainous. Several mountain ranges cross the territory and the tallest mountains on the continent form its boundary with Forstelind to the north. The source of the largest river on the continent -- the Ferrum -- is located in the mountains in the northeastern corner of the region. The rest of the region is filled with dense, dark forest.
climate The mountains create erratic weather patterns; for example, a day can begin pleasant and sunny, only to bring ice storms later in the evening -- especially in the autumn. The weather is generally cool year-round, but the summers bring mild temperatures and thunderstorms. Winters, however, tend to be filled with heavy snow.
economy Furs, mining, timber, hunting dogs, salt, enchanted goods, etc.
notable towns & regions The sheltered Chartress Valley focuses the majority of the region's populaion, with the capital city of Tyrenne located in one of the most defensable positions on the continent. The other notable cities include Hesse, Retterim, and Sorraine -- the latter two being located on the hills near the coast.

location North-eastern, sharing borders with Vellemont in the West, Perrillion in the South, and Forstelind to the North.
ruled by Queen Eleanor White [Snow White]
sigil A glass coffin ringed by seven apples, topped with a crown.
royal family structure The eldest child, regardless of gender and unless deemed unfit, is heir in Nourwittchen. Ascension debates are rare in this kingdom, as members of the royal bloodline rarely produce more than one or two children. In the event of widowhood, second marriages are forbidden if the first union produced a child.
banner houses [Rapunzel] & House Verloren [Hansel and Gretel]
enchantments Magic mirrors, fruits, glass, and forests.
magical species Witches, fairies (good and bad), dwarves, etc.
geography Nourwittchen consists largely of heavily wooded terrain, comprised primarily of dense forests sporadically interrupted by valleys, lakes, and deep canyons. It has two main rivers, the Peraul and the Baumrhine; from which seven smaller tributaries stem and flow outward to the southern kingdoms. Its two mountain ranges extend into Vellemont, with which it also shares a forest border. There is little debate over the exact location of the border, as Nourwittchen and Vellemont are close allies, and knights and rangers from either kingdom are generally allowed to pass a goodly distance into the other's lands when pursuing witches or dangerous beasts.
climate Weather can vary vastly within Nourwittchen depending on the area's terrain, but rain is a consistent feature. Storms vary from the kingdom's daily morning drizzle to the violent storms that mark the transition from Winter to Spring. Those areas in the North not protected by a forest's thick windbreak experience heavy snow and sleet from Førstelind. The Eastern coast is windy and cool, and more central climes and the valleys experience pleasant mists and sometimes deadly fogs (Huntsmen are often dispatched to the canyons in dense fogs to prevent travelers from accidentally walking into the ravines). The South enjoys the mildest and most consistent weather.
economy Nourwittchen's largest industries lay in mining, timber, and glasswork. Their mountains are the sole source of the silver used in the production of enchanted mirrors, as well as many minerals vital to the creation and enhancement of magical objects. Mining rights to the region's choicest gem deposits still lies largely with the dwarves, and many of the kingdom's master glassmakers remain dwarves. Smaller exports consist of furs, enchanted fruits harvested from both the wild and cultured orchards, and first-rate hunters.
notable towns & regions The Nourpalast; The Witch, Red, and Dwarven Forests; The Coffin and Comb Peaks; the Mirror Lakes; Glasvale; and Apfweil.

location Central, sandwiched between Acryssus in the South and Nourwittchen and Vellemont in the North.
ruled by [Cinderella]
sigil A silver sword piercing a glass slipper on a golden background.
royal family structure A Patriarchal monarchy in which the King wields primary power. Queens are selected by the kingdom's enchanted glass slipper and by merit of this process can be sourced from any social rank. This has lead to (sometimes wildly) varying degrees of competence in Queens -- many are considered purely ornamental. The legitimacy of the slipper's selection is never publicly questioned, but in recent decades skepticism and gossip have begun to run rampant in private.
banner houses [The Miller's Daughter] & [Thumbelina]
enchantments Glass, spellwork, midnight phenomena, etc.
magical species Godmothers, elves, good/bad fairies (returning), etc.
geography Rolling hills, quaint forests, and wide plains, Perrillion is nothing if not pleasant. The hills become mountains as one heads towards the region's northern borders, but still, there are only a few. Meandering rivers cross the region before emptying into the sea. The only bit of unpleasantness the region has is a rather brambly patch of thorny, impenetrable forests where the region meets Nourwittchen's forests. Naturally, they are rumored to be haunted.
climate Thanks to its central location and the protection from Førstelind's winds provided by the mountains and forests of its Northern neighbors, Perrillion experiences the mildest weather of all the kingdoms. It experiences a longer summer with heat that intensifies near their southern border, but on the whole the seasons are pleasant and reliable. Snowfall is rare, and Spring's heavy rainstorms are the closest thing to inclement weather Perrillion experiences.
economy The cornerstone of Perrillion's thriving economy lies first in the abundant magical market. With so many godmothers and warlocks within its borders, people travel from every kingdom to seek their attentions and favors. Ornamental and practical objects made from glass are extremely lucrative exports that go hand-in-hand with their bustling wine industry. Perrillion also boasts the greatest number of architects in the continent, a good percentage of with are employed by the royal family for expansions to royal properties and public works in equal measure. All of these industries help provide for the kingdom's frequently lavish balls, which have become such a draw for visitors that the income from them is growing close to being on parr with the tourism caused by the Godmothers.
notable towns & regions Castle Charmont in Capitol Name, The Marrainteau (Godmother HQ), ‎Citrouville, etc.

location South.
ruled by Queen Thalia Midaion[King Midas]
sigil A golden hand on a white field.
royal family structure The heir is selected not by birth order but by strength of golden touch, which is inheirted to children of the royal family to varying degrees.
banner houses House Makaarim [Aladdin] & [The Voyages of Sinbad]
enchantments Transfiguration, wish granting, etc.
magical species Genies/djinn (rare), sphinxes, rocs, dragons, etc.
geography The territory is made up of arid grasslands and deserts, and most habitation occurs along rivers and the coast. The land is generally flat, but there are a few, small craggy mountain ranges and rock formations out west. The river Ferrum, the largest on the continent, cuts a deep canyon through central portions the region before emptying at a delta near the capital city of Auris. The land along the river is generally more fertile.
climate Dry and hot for most of the year, the only relief in the region comes from ocean winds along the coast. Rainfall is infrequent, but when the rain does come, storms are usually violent and the river often floods.
economy The golden touch of the ruling family, admittedly, has done its fair share to build up the economy of the region. However, constantly creating gold from nothing can have devastating effects on things like inflation, so recent generations have been more careful about flooding the markets with gold. Thus, most of the trade done with the other kingdoms on the continent is for foreign goods brought into Acryssus' ports, cereal crops grown along the Ferrum flood plain, fishing and whaling, and so forth. By far, most of the wealth of the region is brought in via distant sea trade and not reliant on the other kingdoms.
notable towns & regions By far, the largest city in the kingdom is its capital of Auris, but other notable cities include Essalon and Zalla found on the coast, Ajka in the desert, and the twin cities of Duhn-Orosh on two sides of the great bend in the Ferrum.